Double Sided, With Plating

This is for PCBs with traces and/or components on both sides of the board, and a need to electroplate the board (most commonly, for vias).

Note that as of Fall 2022, the electroplater is a separate tool that requires a separate training sequence. Please check our Training page for details.

Be sure you actually NEED to electroplate before starting this! The plating process usually takes in excess of three hours (depending on how closely you're watching it), and is historically unreliable. Further, even if it looks like the plating quality is good, the micron-scale variability across the sheet may doom any etching attempts. There is an alternative! Plating is typically avoidable by designing your vias as a standard hole with a diameter of 40 mil (1 mm). A standard 0.1” header pin can then be pushed through and soldered on both the top and bottom. You can accomplish similar things with wires or other pins of different diameters.

Before starting, make sure:

Step 1: Process setup and first drilling on the ProtoMat

Step 2: Electroplating with the Contac S4

Quick Plating Tips:

Step 3: Etching with the ProtoLaser

Step 4: Routing with the ProtoMat

For issues with the ProtoMat, see the ProtoMat Knowledge Base.
For issues with the ProtoLaser, see the ProtoLaser Knowledge Base.
For issues with the electroplater, see the Contact S4 Knowledge Base.